How to Use Google Home as a Smart Alarm Clock?

All of us know the importance of Time very well. We completely understand that Time is Money, therefore, wasting time is never appreciated by anyone. If we want to be successful in life, then we must learn the art of Time Management. An alarm clock can help us a lot in achieving this goal because it can act as an instructor for you. It can guide you very well what is the right time for doing anything. Therefore, with the help of an alarm clock, you can always match your pace with time.

What is a Smart Alarm Clock?

A Smart Alarm Clock simply refers to a gadget that is more powerful than the traditional alarm clocks. Powerful in a sense that you can literally communicate with it for setting, canceling, snoozing or dismissing your alarms. In this way, you will not have to set up or cancel your alarms manually rather everything can be done with voice commands.

A Smart Alarm Clock

How to Use Google Home as a Smart Alarm Clock?

In order to use Google Home as a smart alarm clock, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. First of all, you will need to activate your Google Home smart speaker with OK Google or Hey Google trigger words. Google Home allows you to set up three different types of alarms i.e. General Alarms, Media Alarms, and Character Alarms. As the name implies, the General Alarms refer to the alarms that we use normally for any of our important activities. Media alarms mostly play specified music or a song whenever the alarm time is reached. Character alarms play the background music of a particular character that you have set whenever the alarm time reaches. You can set any of these alarms depending upon your own choice.
  2. Once your smart speakers are activated, you are all set to use them as a smart alarm clock. In order to set up a general alarm, you will have to say something like Set Alarm for 4 a.m. Tomorrow. If you want to set up a media alarm, then you will say something like Set Merry Christmas Music Alarm for 6:30 a.m. Saturday. However, if you want to set up a character alarm, then you will need to say something like Set a “Leonardo” Alarm for 5 a.m. Tomorrow. Here you can replace the quoted text with any of your favorite character’s name from the list that Google Home provides.
  3. If you want to have a recurring alarm i.e. the one which keeps repeating itself every day, then you will have to say Set Alarm for 4 a.m. Every Day of Week. This type of alarms will save you from the hassle of setting up the very same alarms every day.
  4. You can also set alarms with specific names. This kind of alarms can act as Reminders. Moreover, they are also easier to locate and access. For setting up a named alarm, you can say Set Alarm for 2 p.m. Today called Lunch.
  5. If you want to see all the alarms that you have set, then you will need to say What Alarms are Set?
  6. Google Home also allows you to cancel your alarms very conveniently. For doing that, you will only have to say Cancel my Alarm. You can even cancel a specific alarm by its name. For example, if I want to cancel the alarm with the name Lunch, then I will say Cancel my Lunch Alarm.
  7. You can also stop a ringing alarm. For doing that, Google Home provides you with two different options i.e. Stop by Touch and Stop by Command. For using the Stop by Touch option, you will have to tap on the top of your Google Home smart speakers just like you do with your regular alarm clock. This method is useful when you are having your Google Home device placed at an arm’s length. However, if you do not want to do this, then you can use the Stop by Command option. For that, you will simply have to say the word Stop and your alarm will stop ringing.
  8. If you want to snooze your ringing alarm, then all you have to say is the word Snooze and your ringing alarm will be snoozed for 10 minutes.

In this way, your Google Home smart speakers can act as a full-fledged smart alarm clock.


Ayesha Sajid

Ayesha is a software developer by profession and is currently working as a lead developer with Code5. Programming Skills:, C#, C/C++, Java, Golang, Android, UML, SQL and Html.
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