How to Delete / Edit / Hide a Pin on Pinterest?

Pins are the content on Pinterest that people upload and share with others. It is similar to the Facebook post or Twitter’s tweet. Users can also save the Pins that they like and click them to find more information. Pinterest also provides the option for sharing the Pins through messages with individuals or groups. People also create Pins to show their products and promote their business. In this article, we will talk about how you can delete, edit, and hide a Pin on Pinterest.

Deleting, editing, hiding Pins on Pinterest

Deleting a Pin on Pinterest

Users on Pinterest post different kinds of Pins on their account every day. Some Pins become outdated and some are uploaded mistakenly by users, so the users will want to delete those Pins from Pinterest. However, they don’t have the delete button under the Pin posts like most other platforms. User needs to go to the editing section of the Pins or Boards to find the delete option. Follow the below steps to delete a Pin from Pinterest:

  1. Open your browser and go to the Pinterest website. Log in to your account by providing the Email and Password for your account.
    Log in to your Pinterest account
  2. Go to your Pin that you want to delete. Click on the pencil (edit) button on the Pin post.
    Opening a Pin and clicking the edit icon
  3. It will open a new window, click on the Delete button and confirm the action by clicking Delete Pin when prompted.
    Note: You can also click the pencil (edit) icon for the board and select the Delete option to delete boards.

    Selecting the Delete option for deleting a Pin
  4. To delete Pin on Pinterest in bulk, go to the Boards Menu and select the board containing multiples of Pins. Now click on the Organize button.
    Organizing saved boards
  5. Select the Pins by left-clicking on it and then you will get the option for Copy, Move, and Delete. You can choose the delete option to delete multiple Pins on Pinterest.
    Note: You can also use the copy/move options if you want to move the Pins to another board.

    Selecting Pins on board to delete

Editing a Pin on Pinterest

Every time a user posts a Pin, there might be some information that they miss to add to their Pins. They can go back to their Pin and edit it to change the title, description, or other details for their Pin. This is similar to the above method as both require the same steps. Follow the below step to edit your Pins:

  1. Open the Pinterest website and log in to your account. Open the Pin that you want to edit.
  2. Click on the pencil (edit) icon on the Pin and a new window will appear.
    Editing a pin
  3. Here you can edit the Board, Section, Title, and Description of the pin to whatever you want. After making changes, click on the Save button to apply changes.
    Changing information for a pin

Hiding / Unhiding a Pin on Pinterest

There are some Pins that the user will want to hide from their home page. The reason for hiding Pins can vary depending on the users. After hiding a Pin, Pinterest shows the undo option so that the user can unhide it back immediately. However, users cannot search for the hidden Pins and unhide them later on. So, make sure what Pins you want to hide before trying this, once you hide the Pin it will be gone forever. Follow the below steps to hide any Pin on Pinterest.

  1. Go to the Pinterest website and log in to your account.
  2. On the Home page move mouse cursor over any pin. You will see 3 dots or menu icon on a pin, click on it and choose Hide Pin option.
    Choosing Hide Pin option
  3. After selecting the Hide Pin option, you will need to tell the reason why you want to hide the pin from your home page.
    Providing a reason for hiding the Pin
  4. Once you hide the pin, it will automatically show the Undo button through which you can unhide the pin back.
    Clicking the Undo button to Unhide the Pin

Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.
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